Anyways, my mom wants to see the pictures Jonathan took on Saturday after I got home. I got my hair cut at 8 AM saturday because my guy (Elias) is in high demand out here. So I took these pictures before I took a nap at 1! I'm glad I remembered because it sure didn't look like this when I woke up...
I's a little wild. But I loved it! It was fun! He did all of that with a skinny little flat-iron. It was like a magic act...he showed me how to do it (he even made me do it with him!) but you know I won't be able to do that again. Maybe, maybe.
So, mom, you better be reading this because this is all for you!
Well, I started my new job last Wednesday and so far I've liked it. I'm getting used to being gone during the day. Yesterday was terrible though because I went to the grocery store during rush hour...which I usually avoid at all costs. No more avoiding, I'm a working woman now! Today it was freezing at's always freezing but I wore the wrong thing today. I could barely stand it by the time I walked out.
Anyways...I need to go get a "snack" ready for Jonathan before he gets home. I've got him addicted to my snacks. I make good snacks (and healthy). He always thought it was weird before we were married but now I got him on board! We're addicted to cheese that costs $4 a chunck...we're giving up cereal to buy it! I found the cheese at Walmart on sale 2 for $5! I was too EXCITED!
Not the Kraft smoked swiss?
Love the hair - Texas Hair!
you are hilarious and I LOVE your hair. So glam ;) What kind of soup is it, and what kind of healthy snacks do you make?
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