27 September 2008

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (Penguin Classics) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I first tried to read this book in 7th grade for a book report assignment. I never got close to finishing it or even half way through...I don't know how I completed the assignment. It was too difficult for me then...I tried to read it again sometime in college but I just ran out of time because classes were so demanding. Finally I've had the time and I finished it! I absolutely loved it...it was such a wonderful story. The only thing I would have changed was the fact that I saw a movie version recently so I knew what was going to happen. I tried to forget but I couldn't...

The copy I read was my mom's from when she was young-it has her maiden name printed inside the cover which means she read it before she was 21. I will treasure this book...one day give it to my daughter.

View all my reviews.


25 September 2008


I just tried to make pizza dough...

the Kitchen Aid Mixer might be amazing but it doesn't work miracles!

Now I'm off to HEB to buy a pizza crust...and more flour for my next attempt!


19 September 2008

my new life

I've been pondering writing a new post for a while now but I never seem to feel up to it.
It seems like the theme of my life right now is that everything and nothing are happening at the same time. This is such a new, big part of my life but at the same time I haven't had so much extended free time in a long time. I mean for the last 14 months I've been planning one of the most important days of my life and the last 4 years I've been working to graduate college. Now...I have nothing big I'm working or planning for. It's a strange feeling. I'm learning to live my new life.

Well, I'm officially on the job hunt. It's official because last night I announced it to my bible study (so I guess that makes it real! eek!). I've been hesitant to say that and really vague when people ask me because I didn't want to put pressure on myself...or a deadline. I needed a chance to relax and get used to my new surroundings. I'm weird like that. I started updating my resume today...I got kind of far. But then Jonathan came home with the new MarioKart and I got distracted...
I felt like I was 14 again for a little while there...

A few things I've been doing here in Midland:

Tuesday was our 1st monthversiary! Yes, we celebrated! We plan to celebrate, in at least some small way, each month we've been married for the first year. We went to a local italian restaurant and then Baskin Robins. There was an old man sitting alone at Baskin Robins that made us sad. Jonathan pointed him out and just about depressed me when he said "What if him and his wife went to get icecream every Tuesday night but she died 3 weeks ago and this is his first time back...". WELL! Make me cry!
I hate see old people alone. It hurts so much to wonder why...
It was a good mini celebration of our 1 month marriage....although we both agreed we should have gone to Olive Garden!

My kitchen finally feels like it's mine! We got a baker's rack to help with all the stuff and I loved decorating it. I lined all the shelves and unpacked the kitchen stuff-the wine glasses were the last to come out. Although I have a slew (I just asked Jonathan how to spell that word) of stuff in Houston that will need to be put in place.
My living room is starting to feel more like me but there are a couple of big things that need to be changed (rug and entertainment center). The rug we have now makes the room look different than what I want it to and our entertainment center is a bench...enough said. I did purchase two new plates for my wall (on sale at Pier One!) I tried to find a picture to post but they don't have one online. I'll post pictures of my place...one day.

Jonathan and I are going to the Air Show on Saturday. I'm not sure what it is but I know there will be planes flying over head and fake explosions and good (over-priced) food. We're going for free ($25 PER ticket)...so that's good.

My parents are still without power in Houston but my mom is connected to her neighbor across the cul-de-sac who has power (loooong extension cord!). It has been fun to hear how different neighbors are helping each other out. The dogs are loving it because since the fence fell down my mom has to walk them and they're getting A LOT more attention. Silly dogs...

Anyways...my life may be boring to some but it's exciting to me :)



08 September 2008


Well, Jonathan went out of town yesterday for work and goodness do I miss him! He should be back on Wednesday...but that seems too far away. How did I do this SO much before? I miss him 10x more than I did before we were married. I've been spoiled living with him, sharing meals, sharing everything! When he's gone I feel it so much more than before. Soon I won't even remember what life was like before we got married.
I'm trying to keep myself busy...but it's noon and I haven't even gotten out the door yet. I had a hard time waking up this morning, plus my alarm was set for pm instead of am! I'm headed to the post office and Bed, Bath and Beyond to exchange some wedding gifts. I'm excited about that! Nothing like store credit :)

Where I really want to shop right now is Anthropologie...maybe it's just because I know I can't just drive 10 minutes to get there.

Shopping online just does not compare. I have to go there when I visit Austin or Houston!

I plan on uploading photos from the last 2 months or so. I want my next post to have pictures! My blog is so boring without pictures :(



05 September 2008

Is she updating!?

I'm updating!

I know this is long over-due. Once you get past a certain point updating just becomes daunting.

Well, life is very different today since my last real update! Very different.
I really love being married to Jonathan. It still feels like we're just on vacation. I'm starting to realize every night when we go to bed that this man is my HUSBAND! We were apart for almost a week, ending this last Tuesday. We've spent a lot of time apart in the last 4.5 years but I have never missed him as much as I did this last week. It was such a happy reunion!

While he was gone I spent a lot of time with Jenni (my sister-in-law) and my sweet niece, Abigail. I just love being around both of them so much. I've visited a lot in the last 2 years but it's a whole new thing to be here for good. Abigail is potty training right now-it's pretty precious to watch her learn! I'll take some updated pictures of her and maybe post them on here if I figure out how to do it.

I feel a lot more settled in the townhome than I did last week but I still have a lot to do. I'm getting frustrated with figuring out where to put stuff. We have no space in the bathroom! It's plenty for one person but not for two! I want to find a small hutch or some sort of cute furniture to store towels in. We ordered a baker's rack for the kitchen that I can't wait to get! I still have so much more to unpack but I'm stuck with no where to put it all.

Well, tomorrow Jonathan and I are going to visit the "Septemberfest" that a local museum puts on. Jonathan likes going to fairs, festivals, places with vendors who sell roasted corn and junk food! I'm starting to like it a lot too. I'm hoping I can find some neat art work or crafts. We got to do a little bit of that in Santa Fe as well.

By the way, our wedding was beautiful and perfect. We really enjoyed it. It was just so amazing to realize we were finally married! Jonathan was by far my favorite part of the wedding :) I am so thankful that our wedding photos capture the way he loves me. You can just see how much he treasures me. I am incredibly thankful to God for giving me such a caring husband. I've seen that even more now that we're married.

It's a very strange thing to not have any BIG plans for the future. I lived 14 months of my life anticipating August 16th. Now that it's over...life feels strange. Right now I'm looking forward to seeing my parents, brother and Laura again. We plan to get together in Austin...I still have so much of my stuff at my parent's house-including my pup! Jonathan and I are looking forward to having a sweet dog together :)

I'll also soon be on the job hunt. Kind of a big thing! I'm pretty intimidated by it but I know that I can trust in the Lord.

I'll try to be better about updating even though I don't think many people read this!
