11 November 2009

talk about pure JOY!

For those who read my photography blog...sorry. This is the exact same post. :)

Does it get any better than this...?

Oh how I miss the joy of swinging.

A few weeks ago Jonathan and I got the privilege of babysitting three joyful children for 6 days. It was a busy time but it was a blessing to us. We spent a Saturday afternoon playing outside. I grabbed my camera. These are the results.

This one makes me smile really BIG.

"How are you?" His greeting of choice...it'll melt your heart, especially when you haven't seen him in a while.

Even the dog joined in on the fun...

Disclaimer: Sorry for the extreme grainy-ness of these pictures. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to reset my camera settings from my previous photo shoot. It works in some of the pictures...not so much in others ;)

1 comment:

Morning Cloak said...

What cute kids! I especially love the last pic.