23 April 2009

Hall of Fame 2009

Today will be long...

Hall of Fame at 6:30 tonight. 900 + people...and I'm a hostess. I'm looking forward to getting dolled up, greeting people...
There will be a lot of Midland money in this room...a lot. I hope my 3 1/2 in. heels don't kill my poor feet...who am I kidding? They will! But hey, they're RED!

Will I get to see George W?? Hmmm?

The inductees are... George W. Bush, Ted Collins and Herb Ware (team), Jim Henry, Johnny Warren. Three of these are alive.

It will be exciting but I'm really looking forward to the weekend!



Anonymous said...

Tell ol' Johnny Warren that I said hello. It has been awhile since he and I dusted off the irons and hit the back nine. He's a good bloke, a good bloke indeed.

Ashley said...

Lauren! So I know this post is old (we're all waiting for you to update, missy) but I noticed you put a link to me there! You're so awesome! Haha... No one's ever linked to me before :) Also, thanks for all the comments!

P.S. I think we know the results of the Hall of Fame question ;) Your hair was fantastic, by the way!