29 June 2008

soon to be Tyner and college graduate!

I have 8 days left of college. 8 days.

I can't even believe that. But it's the truth. Today, I'm finishing up my last paper. I have had a love/hate relationship with papers. I pretty much hate writing them. Ask anyone who knows me well...I complain through the whole process. At the same time I look back at what I've done and I appreciate what I learned through the process. I really have loved my major and everything I've studied. My last 3 major research papers were on Hyde Park (Austin), frozen vegetables & the 50's and Charlotte's Web. What other major gives you the opportunity to write about such random things...and in a scholarly manner. I think my favorite was frozen vegetables--because it was the most abstract and unique of the three. It was also the most painful or at least the one that required the most work.

I'm going to miss American Studies. I'm going to miss learning about history every day. I'm going to miss living in a historic neighborhood. I'm going to miss the Battle Hall library on campus (so old!). I'm going to miss walking across UT's huge campus. I'm going to miss all the great big trees. I'm going to miss reading history books/novels I would never finish on my own.

I'm not going to miss being surrounded by people who are lost. I'm not going to miss studying the sin of America's past. I'm not going to miss my classmates and professors discussing these sins as if they are virtues. I'm not going to miss feeling so different than almost everyone I sit next to. I'm not going to miss reading about feminism. I'm not going to miss reading about LSD experiments and hippies.

I'm going to miss my cute apartment. But I'm more thrilled about living with my best friend in 2 months! I'm excited about setting up house and cooking for my husband.

I had my first wedding shower last weekend and the wedding invitations went out this week. Things are starting to happen! It's unreal but at the same time it's time. Some people say to me they can't believe I'm getting married. But I can. I've been waiting to marry Jonathan for so long (not just the 14 months we've been engaged) that by now it just seems time. Although some moments it does blow me away. Lots of moments actually. I go back and forth I guess. When I put myself back into the mind of my 16/17 year old self it seems absolutely UNREAL. I had the hugest crush on Jonathan. And now he will be my HUSBAND. Ha!

Hopefully I will keep this blog up more when I'm done with school...but probably not till after the wedding! For now...I need to finish that one last paper. It's not going to finish itself...
